Landscape Drainage Solutions, Permeable Pavers and Rain Gardens
With a name like Patio Pavers & Landscape Solutions, Inc. it is obvious that many of our landscape customers have turned to us because they had drainage problems with their properties. We have solved their problems by incorporating a comprehensive drainage solution into the design of their landscaping. If YOU have a drainage problem with your property, we would be glad to help to find a permanent solution, that will also add beauty and increase the value of your home.
We provide Drainage Solutions for Wet Foundations and Soggy Lawns
Many of our customers have one thing in common; they had a drainage problem on their property that they need to resolved. There are many different landscape companies to choose from for simple landscaping projects. Patio Pavers & Landscape Solutions, Inc. specializes in innovative solutions to complex drainage problems. When our work is finished, you are left with a beautifully landscaped property and your water drainage problems will be solved for good.
The five main techniques we use for water management are Slope, Elevation, French (subsurface) Drains, Permeable Pavers and ecofriendly Rain Gardens, which collect runoff water in low lying planted areas. The purpose of a rain garden is to improve water quality in nearby bodies of water by retaining the runoff in a shallow depression, until it can be slowly absorbed into the soil. Rain gardens can cut down on the amount of pollution reaching creeks and streams by up to 30%.

Rain Gardens decrease flooding, treat storm water, and provide wildlife habitat.